Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Norway-Dalen, Telemark:10th Anniversary 2020

Jesse and I have been married for 10 years. We are completely different people and we are disciples of Jesus so we did not live-in together before getting married. We dated for 3 years and even though we are attracted to each other, we did not sleep together. Now as a married woman, looking back , I think our culture has enforced different kinds restrictions- the dating couples in our local church has to go on double dates and are not allowed to spend time alone together or go on a summer trip alone together because of the temptations - I think there is that sexual suppression that turns some into perverts -sorry just thinking out loud.

So having been able to travel to a European country and observing the church culture -it is different from where I come from. Dating couples can go out on their own and enjoy and plan together. I would like this for the others too however being open with temptations is the key! We know Satan's schemes (2 Corinthians 2:11) -he wants to bring single couples to sin and destroy marriages designed by God.

However, I believe it is necessary - I commend those that can handle themselves decently and are not burning with desire -but really?

we were blessed with the great view of the fjord

brunch at one of the world heritage hotels