Thursday, December 5, 2019

Quiet Times :December-Luke 4

While waiting for a very long time at the dentist's clinic I read Luke 4.(After having the check-up re-sched twice and going there thrice, I had to just wait it out because this is the only dental clinic that is accessible and I cannot prolong the agony of having a part of my cracked molar dangling, hanging in there.)

  1. Jesus' ministry - after being baptized in water and anointed by the Holy Spirit, then being tempted ¦tested in the desert, Jesus begins his public appearance! But he was without honor in his hometown because even though the people in the synagogue were amazed at him, they wanted to throw him off a cliff. The opposition arose when Jesus reminded them of the prior inclusion of the Jews in v26 and 27. (a new insight for me even after having read this passage many times in the past 17 years)
  2. The people also noted that Jesus was the son of Joseph. I have encountered this scripture and it was often contrasted to how Christians are somewhat not accepted in their circle as someone capable of changing, as for me someone that do not need to change at all - and so they thought. I had to totally get rid of my old self and I'm so glad God has redeemed me. Praise his name indeed!