I was supposed to get the pillow hanger but I got plenty of error messages during the order process, so I just chose this one from my favorites list. I want to use it to filter my Kapeng Barako instead of buying another appliance-a coffee maker.
I entitled this article as such, because I think not using many electric appliances can save mother earth : )I read this article from Howstuffworks http://science.howstuffworks.com/environmental/green-science/save-earth-top-ten1.htm,it enumerated 10 things we can do to save mother earth. Well from the 10,I can do like five of them since the rest talk about cars and driving ,and I don't do that.These are a few from the list:
1. Pay attention to how you use water.
I don't have the luxury of continuous flowing tap water,I mean, there is a schedule for the water supply where I reside.I brush my teeth with just a tumbler or two of water and I always use a pail and a "tabo" - dipper ,to scoop out water from a container.I think this is so earth friendly!
2.Walk or ride your bike to work, school and anywhere you can.
I walk all the time! I live in the heart of the city so I can just walk to the church, mall, market, park, government offices, shops you name it!
3. Recycle.
My husband drinks bottled water on his trips and he usually brings it home so I keep it. When I think I have gathered enough, I sell it.
4.Make your home more energy efficient (and save money).
Well I don't own an air-conditioner, refrigerator and even a washing machine!I will use my new strainer instead of a coffee maker!I'm so earth friendly right?
5.Turn off lights when you're not in the room and unplug appliances when you're not using them.
I think this is easy enough for everyone to do.