Monday, March 26, 2018

Positive Choice Program HOPEWW

As part of our community service the ICOC-Lucena ran a workshop called Positive Choice.Some of its objectives are:
- Increased positive attitudes towards practicing abstinence until marriage.
- Enhanced refusal and negotiation skills necessary to resist sexual urges, advances, and offers to participate in high-risk activities such as drug use and alcohol consumption, which may make them more vulnerable to sexual advances and urges

It has four modules which can be used individually, but it is recommended that they be used as a series in order to fully benefit from the program.Because the facilitators wanted to not break the continuity,all four modules were compressed in a whole day of workshop.

Postive Choice Program audience -13 and Up

The audience were teenagers,parents, and church members and their families.There were group rules that were reviewed at the start of every module,one of which is active participation.

Positive Choice-4 Modules

The overview of the 4 modules were discussed,and each module was indeed very engaging because of the activities consisting of worksheets,group discussions and role plays on the scenarios about sexually transmitted infections and negotiation strategy.

Positive Choice Facilitators

The facilitators attended the training held in Manila early this year.They also shared about their own life experiences and were very much able to transfer what they have learned to the participants in the day long program.

Workshop activities
Participants showed enthusiasm during group discussions, and paid attention to the role plays. It was really awesome to hear the teens and parents respond to questions during the discussions.

A very alarming reality about the prevalence of HIV in the country: