This year ,my younger sister gave birth to a baby girl on the 4th.After going to church, I rushed to Manila (to think that I'm still recovering from tooth extraction and I read that I had to limit my activities).
She stayed in the delivery room for a day because there wasn't any available rooms yet.Me and mom thought it was better that way because my sister just had a C-Section so there were many tubes connected to her and she won't be able to rest well in the ward with the baby crying a lot.She was finally transferred to the ward in the afternoon while I was having a class in the waiting area with my student.
My mom was frantically moving our things from the waiting area to the room my sister was just assigned to.In the process, she unwittingly took away my wi-fi device so I lost my connection in the middle of my class.The next day, I had to cancel all my other classes because there were so many people in the ward and it was so noisy.I think it is a very busy hospital.
I was awake in the wee hours of the morning to look after the tiny baby. There were chairs in the area so you can sit and watch.Babies were crying their hearts out in the middle of the night.And when one cries ,other's follows suit.I just wished I had brought a book.
3 generations |
sleeping soundly |
Baby Angel in the cold room |
me and mom |
birthday dinner |
at church Devo |